black and brown leather padded tub sofa

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Mayor's Court

The Village of Alexandria re-instituted Mayor’s Court in late 2023. The court hears misdemeanor offenses that occur in the jurisdiction of the Alexandria Police Department. Court sessions are held at the Village Offices at 4 West Main Street at 7:00 pm; see the Community Calendar for court dates.

Cases brought before the Court are heard by a licensed magistrate. The village prosecutor presents the Village's cases to the Court.

For inquiries including court appearances, fine and costs amounts, court procedures and other court matters, please email the Alexandria Clerk of Court or call 740-520-5013.

Did You Receive a Traffic Citation?
General Information Sheet
Pay Your Ticket Online

Additional Payment Options:
Sign and enclose your ticket with a check or money order made payable to Alexandria Mayor's Court

Mail To:
Clerk of Courts
Alexandria Mayor's Court
PO Box 96
Alexandria, OH 43001


Drop Off:
Village Offices
4 West Main Street
Alexandria, OH 43001
An after-hours drop box is located next to the front entrance of the Village Office