Discover the charm of Alexandria, Ohio
Parker Community Park
How Do I Make a Reservation?
To reserve a park facility, call the Village Administrator at (740) 924-2539 or fill out the Check for Park Availability form below. You will be contacted to confirm and complete your reservation request.
Reservation Fee Schedule
$55 Lower Shelter House
$65 Upper Shelter House
$35 Sports Field -- Youth
$100 Sports Field with One Shelter House
$125 Sports Field with Two Shelter Houses
Field rental is for 4 hours; $10 for each additional hour.
The reservation form and total fee payment must be completed and received by the Village of Alexandria no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled event. If the form and payment are not received, the reservation may be lost if there is another request for that date.
The park entrance is beside 39 W. Main Street, exit on South Liberty Street. Parker Community Park is open from dawn until dusk, unless otherwise confirmed by reservation.
Park Rules
NO alcohol or drugs
NO firearms of any kind
NO unattended fires
NO dumping or littering
NO destruction of park property
NO unauthorized vehicles
NO profanity
Children must be accompanied by an adult
Pets must be on leash and all waste must be cleaned up.
Confirmed reservations take precedence for all areas of park, including shelters, field, or other park property.
All trash must be cleaned up and placed in an appropriate trash receptacle; entire area must be left in its pre-activity condition (a cleaning charge may be applied if park is left littered and unclean.
If tables or other equipment are moved, they must be moved back to their original location.
The park board maintains and repairs the ball fields, shelter houses, grounds, trees, and playground equipment in Parker's Park.
The Alexandria Park Board meets on the second Wednesday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in the Village Offices
Check for Park Availability
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday & Friday by appointment
© 2024 Village of Alexandria. All rights reserved.
Problem with the website? webguru@alexandriaoh.gov
Street Address:
4 W. Main St.
Alexandria, OH 43001
740-924-2539 (ALEX)
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 96
Alexandria, OH 43001
*You MUST use the PO Box number for mail to reach us; the street address is not sufficient per USPS rules.