Discover the charm of Alexandria, Ohio
Mayor's Office
Village Mayor:
Sean Barnes (term expires 12/31/2027)
Whether you are a visitor to our village, a resident, or a business owner, you already know that Alexandria is special. The community we have does not happen by accident -- the combined efforts of village officials, citizen volunteers, and community organizations make Alexandria the friendly place we call home.
Your Village municipal government provides many important services, including police protection, water and sewer services, street maintenance, and community parks. Village council, village employees, and myself are proactive in taking steps to maintain and improve the quality of life for our residents. With changes to our local area on the horizon, we are seeking the best, most cost-efficient ways of preserving the small town charm and rural lifestyle we presently enjoy.
I encourage you to stay engaged and informed about the initiatives and opportunities that will shape our community's future. Please contact us by phone or email to let us know how we can better respond to the Village's needs. We value your input and involvement, and we actively seek your participation in shaping the future of Alexandria!
Join the Mayor's Email List
This list is used to directly communicate news and information to members of the Alexandria community -- we respect your privacy and will not share your information with outside sources!
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
9:00 am - 1:00 pm
Thursday & Friday by appointment
© 2024 Village of Alexandria. All rights reserved.
Problem with the website? webguru@alexandriaoh.gov
Street Address:
4 W. Main St.
Alexandria, OH 43001
740-924-2539 (ALEX)
Mailing Address:
Post Office Box 96
Alexandria, OH 43001
*You MUST use the PO Box number for mail to reach us; the street address is not sufficient per USPS rules.