Review Village Zoning Ordinances and Codes

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Zoning & Code Enforcement

The Village of Alexandria's zoning code, updated in 2024, divides property into different zones, each with its own set of rules regarding permitted uses (residential, commercial, industrial), building height, density, lot size, and setbacks. Zoning protects property values by preventing incompatible development, like placing a factory next to homes, and helps maintain the value of properties in a neighborhood. It can also be used to protect sensitive areas like wetlands or green spaces. Zoning and community planning allows our local government to plan for future development and manage the growth of the Village in a controlled manner.

Zoning Inspector:

Planning and Zoning Commission:

  • Sean Barnes

  • Andrew Bottar-Dillen

  • Sarah Chambers (council representative)

  • Jeannette Gunn

  • Claire Lewis